Why The IBEW

The IBEW represents a wide variety of workers across every sector of our economy. Between our Inside, Outside and Professional & Industrial Divisions, we have nearly 850,000 members from electricians, power plant workers, utility workers, to workers in manufacturing, telecommunications, government, railroad, even college professors, state attorney generals, coffee brewers and clothing manufactures and security officers from across the United States just to name a few. Local 1413 members and its officers believe that every worker in all occupations not just in the electrical industry should enjoy the benefits of having an employee contract and IBEW representation with their employer, which is why since 1944 Local 1413 has made it our mission to help every worker gain the respect they deserve on the job through organizing.

Union members live better. As union members, we bargain collectively with our employers over wages, benefits, and working conditions. Most of us have very limited bargaining power as one person, but as a group, we are strong. And, with a good negotiated contract, we have legal protections we would not have otherwise. 

If you and your co-workers are interested in more information on how you can gain the benefits of Union membership at your workplace, contact IBEW Local 1413.  For information on apprenticeship opportunities, please contact the Toledo Electrical JATC directly at (419)666-8088.

Phone: 419-205-2191

Jim Harrington

Patrick Kallaher 

Phone: 513-491-2784


When workers come together as a group, they give themselves a voice in the workplace through a guaranteed contract. Some of the benefits of having a collective bargaining agreement:

  • Higher wages–fair rates of pay, periodic pay increases, shift and grade differentials
  • Better working conditions– job security, safety and health protections, seniority, and fair treatment
  • Reasonable hours– defined work schedules and paid holidays and vacation
  • Solid benefits– health insurance, sick leave, and pension
  • A voice at work– formal steps to settle contract disputes through a set grievance procedure